Instruments, Microphone and Stand

Home Studio Scene – Take One

Took some time to set up the home studio. I was thinking of naming it Silent Z Studio (really want to make it Studios as I think it sounds better, but there is only one – “Two Studios” Bejzak?) as I’ve wanted to use that name since I was a young man, but there was(is?) a New Jersey band named Silent Z ( – listened to one of the tracks on the site & kinda liked it. Anyway…  Set up mostly involved making things more accessible for now so that I can work on the songs and ready them to make some demos.
[Disclaimer: Some items were positioned specifically for the photo – probably no surprise. The didgeridoo is not always at the ready.]

Speaking of Demos
A friend on Facebook mentioned Audacity, which I have used to convert my vinyl to digital, but hadn’t thought about to use for recording my songs. I’m thinking I will still need a hardware interface to my laptop as it only has a mic input.

Song ‘Stylings’
Worked on Christie some. This is one I’ve wanted to go all “Power Pop” on – we’ll see. Added a bridge that I was never aware it needed. It just kinda happened. I love that! Think I’ll work on the bass part next.

Found the lyrics to another song I had started, on my iPod Touch. It’s called Your Only Option and I actually remember how it sounded in my head – I just need to figure out the chords.

-Moving Edward

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