Experimental Love Vocals

Yet another long pause in the symphony that is my project. I am determined, if not disciplined enough, to see this thing through. With thoughts of trying to go a little hippie-psychedelic on Policy of Love, I entered my home studio. Slowly it turned and then, I decided to slow it way down and experiment with vocals. I’m taking another step backwards with this one and perhaps slowing down the whole process – could it get any slower?

I’ve been thinking more about trying to set up to do some midi stuff (for drumming at least) and about fixing up the old electric. I think I’d really want it to do some psychedelic-sounding stuff.

Here is The Policy of Love (Vocal Experiment) – Listen at Your Own Risk 🙂


-CrackEd Voice

Heart on Sleeve, Hair in Curlers

Awoke early this morning with the cats on and off the bed and circling in a pre-breakfast frenzy. I had some ideas for Policy of Love. I originally shared a sketch recording of this one in my very first blog entry. I’ve included it again below (I realized I called it a demo, but this was before I started my current project).

There is a risk here of the song quickly becoming dated, if it isn’t already. It was written while drones strikes were prominently in the news. The song has been called sappy by one. My songs are generally pretty straight-forward and I’m a fan of non-violence. Love is one of my favorite four-letter words after all. 🙂

At the risk of taking a step backward to go forward here is the hair in curlers/in pajamas/working the first cup of coffee sketch. (Note the bass intro – ran out of time to continue working on the bass part this morning – darn day job.):

I’m going to need to add some lyrics and am going to give some strength to the arrangement to try to drain some of the sap.

-Peace, Love & Ed


Original as noted above:

Demo Straight

There is finally an “official” demo of Regular Folk! I used my trial and error from the various sketches and input from some, not quite as regular, folks and made a succinct demo. I felt that the harmonica was the strongest “color” component – the guitar and voice being the meat & bones. Then I brought in the mbira and, towards the end, a bit of didgeridoo. Percussion is the plastic container of picture hangers. I had an idea to use the didgeridoo as bass, but I need to be able to more consistently produce the drone to attempt it.

Here is the demo:


Next up is, most likely, “The Policy of Love” as it’s the most complete.